It only takes a brief encounter with Minda to understand why the universe has led her down the path for this calling. She radiates with love and goodness. She is genuine. Her energy is contagious. She is confident in her practice, highly intuitive in her everyday encounters, and lives with intention—and I truly believe she inspires the same in everyone she meets.

Kristen (Tacoma, Washington)


Energy healing helps increase energy, release stagnation from the body, and balance the energy system overall. I create a clear channel to direct Reiki energy into areas of the body where I feel intuitively led. Reiki helps to release energetic blocks and provides deep healing. Following a session, clients typically feel relaxed and grounded.

60-Minute Session -$150
90 Minute Session – $225



It amazes me every time I do a distance session how much information I receive. Using a prop to simulate a client’s body, I give the session exactly as I would if I were working on a client in-person. While the client doesn’t get the benefit of actual hands-on healing, I am able to be more neutral without a person right in front of me, and typically receive more psychic information than I do when I am in a client’s physical presence.

60-Minute Session – $175

(Includes comprehensive email summary)

Contact me to schedule an appointment. 

Minda is the real deal. I had never been a believer in the reliability or efficacy of Reiki and energy work, but after my first divine appointment with Minda, I couldn’t get around that she is a genuinely gifted Intuitive. She helped coach me through a critical life juncture with a balanced approach of energy work, counseling, empathy and direct, yet loving, honesty. If you are looking for some solid guidance and support to not just face life’s challenges, but to overcome them, Minda is your answer.

Kelly (Seattle, Washington)

A woman's hands offering intuitive energy healing sessions in the forest, surrounded by moss.
Minda Lane in a blue dress enjoying an intuitive energy healing session by the soothing waves of a sandy beach.


We are all energy intuitives to some degree, but I have perhaps cultivated this capacity more than more people. The messages I receive while I’m working come from the subject’s energy field for their highest good, at least, that is what I ask for when working with a client. The intuitive information might present as an inner knowing, or sense. It may come in a vision (clairvoyance) or sound (clairaudience).

Minda is not only a highly skilled and intuitive energy healer, she is down to earth and easy to relate to. Her insights are offered with wisdom, clarity, honesty, and compassion; leaving the recipient feeling understood, yet with new tools for growth and expansion. She has amazing touch and presence, as well. I highly recommend her work!

Alesia (Kirkland, Washington)